7 Pool Maintenance Tips That You Need To Try Right Now
Written by titan / Posted on 8 June 2018
It is everybody’s dream to have a pool in their own backyard. However, pool maintenance deters many from making their dream a reality.
These 7 pool maintenance tips are what you need to keep on top of your pool maintenance.
1. Scrub and Skim regularly
Skimming should be done daily for a truly faultless pool. To clean the bottom of the pool you can buy a robot vacuum, check our selection here. To prevent algae build-up, you need to scrub the sides of the pool, which can be done once every two weeks. For stubborn spots leave chlorine on the spot for a few hours before scrubbing.
2. The Filter Is Your Pool’s Kidneys
To remove impurities from the pool you need a good filter. You can clear the debris by lifting out the filter basket. Every week you need to clean out your filter basket. The pipes connected to your filter system have to be cleaned once a month.
3. Maintain Consistent Chemical Levels
Your pool will become a breeding ground for bacteria if the water is improperly balanced. At least once a week the water should be tested. The chemical levels of free chlorine, cyanuric acid, total alkalinity, acidity, and calcium hardness should be checked. The water will have no smell and it will be crystal clear when all the chemicals are properly balanced.
4. Shock a Cloudy Pool
If your pool water is cloudy it is because of the bacteria. To kill the bacteria you need to raise the chlorine levels drastically and this is known as shocking. Three to five times the normal amount of chlorine is diluted with water and is poured into the pool’s return line slowly. Over time the pool is refilled with water slowly. At least twice every season you should aim to shock the pool.
5. Keep an Eye on the Water Level
The physical water level is just as important as its chemical composition. It should not be too low or too high. When it is too low add the necessary amount of water back in. If the water level is too high, drain the excess water using a submersible pump, which you can rent out from a home improvement store. Remember to recheck the chemicals when you’ve reached the appropriate water level.
6. Schedule a Monthly Service Appointment
An expert will be able to do pool maintenance job easier, especially when it comes to your pool’s mechanical equipment – heating systems, filters, and pumps. You can book one of South Side Pools experts to come and look at your pool here.
7. Properly Winterize To Prevent Damage
The pool should be maintained not only in the summer but during the winter as well. Otherwise, you might end up spending a lot of money on repairs. To ensure that the chemicals are correctly balanced buy a water testing kit. To keep the pool free of debris invest in a pool cover.
You need to keep the pool in good condition all year round. By following these maintenance tips you will be able to do more sunbathing than chores.
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